is a collective of self-identified women working in the arts – painters, sculptors, dancers, filmmakers, writers, poets, performance artists, gallery owners, directors, critics, auction house experts, and philanthropists - who support each other’s work by sharing information, studio opportunities, gallery spaces, collaborating, creating panel discussions, finding greater representation, funding, and equity in pay and exposure.

Participation is by invitation and there are no fees. was formerly known as The 29 represents the number of participants as of March 13, 2023.




Drawn and Quartered, 1986

Drawn and Quartered, 1986

“Lynne Sachs has always eluded easy labeling…. She focuses on capturing gestures, inches of skin, fragments of conversations, casual moments in time, personal memorabilia, and weaving them into unexpected patterns….. (She) sublimes the personal into the theatrical …. (and) embraces variegated renditions of filmic language, recording the world, digesting it, and offering it to viewers in its performative beauty.” How Lynne Sachs Turns Spoken Language into Cinematic Language – A retrospective of the feminist artist and filmmaker demonstrates how she explores communication in her work. Hyperallergic, 2020.

My Body, Your Body, Our Bodies: Somatic Cinema at Home and in the World

Looking at the world from a feminist lens, she expresses intimacy by the way she uses her camera. Objects, places, reflections, faces, hands, all come so close to us in her films.  Strongly committed to a dialogue between cinematic theory and practice, she searches for a rigorous play between image and sound, pushing the visual and aural textures in her work with every new project.  With the making of “Your Day is My Night” (2013), “Every Fold Matters” (2015), and “The Washing Society” (2018), Lynne expanded her practice to include live performance.


When filmmaker Lynne Sachs turned fifty, she dedicated herself to writing a poem for every year of her life, so far. Each of the fifty poems investigates the relationship between a singular event in Sachs’ life and the swirl of events beyond her domestic universe. Published by Tender Buttons Press, Year by Year Poems juxtaposes Sachs’ finished poems, which move from her birth in 1961 to her half-century marker in 2011, with her original handwritten first drafts. In this way, she reveals her process of navigating within and alongside historical events such as the Moon Landing, the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., streaking, the Anita Hill hearings, the Columbine shootings, and controversies around universal health care. In Year by Year Poems, Lynne Sachs realizes the long anticipated leap from her extraordinary career in filmmaking to this, her first book of poems.